Facial Hair Problems and their issues to tackle by Dr chytra v anand
When we talk about facial hair, there are mainly 3 issues we can tackle. Facial Hair on Men Facial Hair on women Vellus Hair Hair Reduction is a guy thing too! Now, of course, men look like men because of their facial hair. For women, it’s an issue, but what about men? Well, shaving ,can be a pain in today’s fast paced lifestyle. Lots of Metro-sexual men are turning to hair reduction for back, chest and also a beard! Why beard? Because if you do permanent beard shaping, maintenance of the same will dramatically reduce.There are two main options: laser and electrolysis, with the former being the vastly more popular option.For full-face, laser treatment can take up to six hours over the course of a year, while electrolysis can take up to 400 hours over four years. Makes sense that most people lean toward laser removal, right? Men who are sick of ingrown hairs and razor burn are increasingly looking to lose their whiskers for good. Many of them are coming for facial ha...