
Showing posts with the label cheek glamorization

Cheek Glamorization India : DR Chytra V Anand

There is nothing more deflating than after a vacation and a good night’s sleep,   having someone say, ‘You look exhausted!!!’  As we age, we begin to look tired, even when we are not.  It’s not only the wrinkles that make us look tired and old,  but it’s also the creases, hollows and sagging skin on the cheeks  that thins with aging. Non-surgical cheek augmentation uses a synthetic facial  filler that restores lost cheek volume, which in turn lifts  the face up and pulls out the wrinkles . We begin life with a round face and baby cheeks , and often develop an  oval shaped face in our prime age.  But our lower face begins to broaden and the upper f ace  loses volume resulting in a more masculine, square, flatter shape. Cheek glamorization fills out sunken cheeks and changes  the contour of the face. Dermal Fillers physically restore  contours, and the micro-injury from t...