Eat Your way to Glow your Skin
Eat Your Way to Glowing Skin While putting on a fantastic face cream or smoothing a hair serum works wonders, but for beauty that’s more than skin deep eating fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is the answer. There’s a direct connect to the condition of your skin to the kind of foods you eat. Skin is our largest organ and what you put in your mouth, shows up on your skin. Foods that hurt your skin If your diet has too much of salt, sugar or alcohol, you skin will look patchy, dry, puffy and old.These tend to constrict the blood vessels which in turn impact the cellular structure of the skin. Excess sugar in your diet can actually break down the elastin and collagen structure of your skin, leading to fine line and wrinkles. A that bag chips or extra sprinkling of salt on your salad might be tickle the taste buds, but they do something nasty to the skin – puffiness under the skin. Deep fried foods can aggravate excess sebum production in your sk...